Kesk-Sõjamäe 26a, Ülemiste, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond

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Anda üürile, õdus mikrokorter!


In a 2-floor recently renovated house, there is a total of 28 apartments, the size of which is between 11 – 18m². And the prices are between 250 – 320 euros.
All apartments have: a bed, kitchen furniture with a fridge, a sink and a stove, a small wardrobe, bathroom furnishing with; wall shelves in the living room (the heights can be changed), blinds.
Plan: a living room with open kitchen, a hallway, wc/shower room.
They are new modern and high-quality micro homes that are created for people who look for a compact living possibility. They are created for you who need a premise that would support your aim.
The tenant must pay:
single paid contractual fee one month rent + VAT,
1 month’s rent in advance and a deposit of the same size.
Monthly, all utilities must be paid:
water, electricity, waste, maintenance fee. Network costs – according to wish.
A perfect solution for a person who is looking for a smaller rental premise with cheaper costs.
The location is very good: close by Ülemiste centre and business park, bus and train stop within less than 5 min walk.

General information
  • Deal
  • Object
  • Floor
  • Nr of rooms
  • Area
    15.00 ㎡
  • Price
    250 €
Anda üürile, õdus mikrokorter!
Description arrow-right Created with Sketch.

Mikrokorter: 2-kordses vast renoveeritud majas on kokku 28 korterit, mille suurused jäävad vahemiku 11 – 18m². Ja hinnad on vahemikus 250 – 320 eurot.
Kõikides korterites on voodi, köögimööbel külmkapi, valamu ja pliidiga, väike riidekapp, vannitoa sisustus santehnikaga; elutoas seinariiulid (võimalik kõrgusi muuta), rulood.
Planeering: avatud köögiga elutuba, esik, wc/dušširuum.

Need on uued, modernsed ja kvaliteetsed mikrokodud, mis on loodud inimesele, kes otsib kompaktset elamisvõimalust. Nad on loodud sulle, kes sa vajad pinda, mis toetaks sinu eesmärki.

Üürilevõtjal tuleb tasuda:
1 kuu üürisumma ette ja samas suuruses tagatisraha ning lisaks lepingutasu milleks on ühe kuu üür, millele lisandub käibemaks, Igakuiselt tuleb tasuda kõik kommunaalarved:
Vesi, elekter, prügi, hoolduskulu. Sidekulud-vastavalt soovile.

Suurepärane lahendus inimesele, kes otsib väiksemat ja soodsamate kuludega üüripinda.

Asukoht on väga hea: lähedal Ülemiste keskus ja ärilinnak, bussi ja rongi -peatus alla 5 min jalutada.

Vaadake teisi üürikuulutusi samas majas

Additional information arrow-right Created with Sketch.
lockedStaircase, securedDoor, shower, washingMachine, ventilation, parquet, furniture, kitchen, refrigerator, internet, urbanwater, newsewerage, openkitchen
Building arrow-right Created with Sketch.
  • Year of building 2019
  • Building structure stone
  • Windows plasticPacket
  • Roof ternePlate
  • Heatings electric
  • Alacrity newBuilding
  • Energy label noCertificate
  • Number of floors 2
Room arrow-right Created with Sketch.
  • Nr of bedrooms 1
  • Nr of livingrooms 1
  • Nr of toilets 1
  • Nr of kitchens 1
  • Size of storeroom 0.00 ㎡
Parking arrow-right Created with Sketch.
  • Price free
Location on map
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